Alumni Spotlight
Albert Zhang (he/him)
Question: What was your MYL alumni year? (If you did not attend the conference, the year that you first volunteered!)
Albert's Response: 2022
Question: What high school did you go to?
Albert's Response: Saint Francis High School, Mountain View, CA
Question: If you went to/are currently attending college, where did/do you go and what did you major in?
Albert's Response: UC Berkeley, Economics and Political Science
Question: If you are currently employed, what is your job?
Albert's Response: Marketing Analytics Manager, Handshake
Question: Why do/did you volunteer with MYL/MassSTAR?
Albert's Response: If people are open to it, I want to provide mentorship for future generations that I felt I didn't have for myself.
Question: What makes the Foundation unique?
Albert's Response: Transparency and openness regarding how to grow
Question: Are you still in touch with people from the conference? How do you stay in touch?
Albert's Response: MYL may just be 1 weekend per year, but the friendships last the other 51 weeks. Across the US, I am always grateful to see folks when I visit or they visit. I also do FaceTime calls on a bi-monthly or so basis!
Question: How would you describe the conference to somebody who hasn't/won't be able to experience it?
Albert's Response: Imagine a room where everyone willingly embraces corniness and authenticity to make society better.
Question: What is your favorite activity from the MassSTAR Conference?
Albert's Response: Iceberg activity
Question: What is your favorite MassSTAR cheer?
Albert's Response: PMA
Question: What is a fun fact about yourself or something on your bucket list?
Albert's Response: My favorite food in the world are fruit parfaits from Japan.
Want to talk with Albert? Contact him at [email protected]
Responses were collected January 2023