Alumni Spotlight
Shea Duffy (he/him)
Question: What was your MYL alumni year? (If you did not attend the conference, the year that you first volunteered!)
Shea's Response: 2018
Question: What high school did you go to?
Shea's Response: King Philip Regional High School
Question: If you went to/are currently attending college, where did/do you go and what did you major in?
Shea's Response: Suffolk University, Majoring in Financial Planning
Question: Why do/did you volunteer with MYL/MassSTAR?
Shea's Response: The only time I am able to see some of my favorite people in the world is once a year when we get together to help put on this conference. MYL has allowed me to meet these awesome people and I love coming back every year to help give a new group of delegates the same experience.
Question: What makes the Foundation unique?
Shea's Response: MYL brings together open minded people in a positive, friendly environment for growth. With so much going on in the world, MYL reminds us of the change we can make when we are intentional, open-minded, and positive.
Question: Are you still in touch with people from the conference? How do you stay in touch?
Shea's Response: I am absolutely still in touch with people from the conference! I have most of my fellow delegates on social media and see many of them at alumni events or volunteering at the conference.
Question: How would you describe the conference to somebody who hasn't/won't be able to experience it?
Shea's Response: It is like summer camp but with a focus on becoming a better version of yourself. Mindfulness, intentionality, and awareness were 3 major areas of focus for me during my time.
Question: What is your favorite activity from the MassSTAR Conference?
Shea's Response: I really like when the delegates write letters thanking sponsors and staff members. The gratitude they show always warms my heart.
Question: What is your favorite MassSTAR cheer?
Shea's Response: Little. Red. Wagon!
Question: What is a fun fact about yourself or something on your bucket list?
Shea's Response: My fun fact is that I love taking ice baths and made my own for my backyard!
Want to talk with Shea? Contact him at [email protected]
Responses were collected January 2023