Alumni Spotlight
Sam Curtis (she/her)
Question: What was your MYL alumni year? (If you did not attend the conference, the year that you first volunteered!)
Sam's Response: 2006
Question: What high school did you go to?
Sam's Response: Boston Latin School
Question: If you went to/are currently attending college, where did/do you go and what did you major in?
Sam's Response: Boston College, Human Development
Question: If you are currently employed, what is your job?
Sam's Response: Long-Term Substitute, Guidance Department @ Boston Latin School (I am in between jobs)
Question: Why do/did you volunteer with MYL/MassSTAR?
Sam's Response: MYL has taught me that anyone, regardless of title or age, can lead. I volunteer with MYL to help spread the mindsets and tools that empower young people to lead with purpose and confidence.
Question: What makes the Foundation unique?
Sam's Response: The Foundation is completely volunteer driven, and all programming is offered free of charge to students. Most volunteers are MassSTAR alumni, and it's amazing to watch alums apply their skills as they take leadership roles on the Board and Conference Planning Committee.
Question: Are you still in touch with people from the conference? How do you stay in touch?
Sam's Response: Yes, mostly through social
Question: How would you describe the conference to somebody who hasn't/won't be able to experience it?
Sam's Response: 3 days of going out of your comfort zone, embracing a positive mental attitude, expanding your understanding of what citizenship is through workshops and speakers, and developing a community of enthusiastic change makers
Want to talk with Cristian? Contact him at [email protected]
Responses were collected January 2023